Fir trees are coniferous trees belonging to the genus Abis and family Pinaceae. The fir tree is one of the trees associated with the Christian festive period, Christmas, due to their structure and evergreen nature.
Fir trees are different from the other type of conifers that are found in the environment due to their erect cylindrical pinecones which point upward like a candle.
The genus Abis is derived from the Latin word “Abies” which means “rising one” due to the ability to the plant’s trunk to grow upward in a straight and simple manner – a great characteristic which makes it different from other types of plants.
There are more than 50 species of the fir tree in this genus and they have their peculiar characteristics which can be differentiated by the shape and structure of the plant’s leaves and these trees vary in height depending on the species.
Fir trees are plants that are found in different regions around the world including Europe, North Africa, Asia, and North and Central America and they basically thrive well in cold areas – where they perform best.
The cones of the fir trees are also different in that instead of pointing downwards, they point upward and they have been used to determine the season or for weather forecast; whenever it is sunny, the cone of the fir tree usually open up wand when it is about to get cold or rain is about to fall, the cone closes up as a result of its responsiveness to nature.
The fir trees can grow to a height of about 30 – 200 feet when matured and thus depends on the species of the plant, there are a popular species that resembles a fair but belongs to another genus, Pseudotsuga – Douglas fir; it grows to a height of 330 feet although it serves well as a Christmas tree.
In this article, we will talk more about the various symbolism of the fir tree as well as some of the meanings that can be attributed with the fir tree so you should pay attention to learn more about this tree.
What is the Symbolism of the Fir Tree
Fir tree first served as a Christmas tree in Germany in the 1600s and it was brought into use by Martin Luther, the religious reformer.
It was believed that he, Martin Luther, was walking through a forest of fir tree during winter, as he looked up he saw stars shining brightly through the branches of the tree, and this was a source of inspiration he had about the Christmas tree.
This made him set up a Christmas tree in his home using candles to be a representation of the stars in the forest.
However, this practice was however greatly embraced by Christians and they later started using apples and candles as decorations for the tree which signifies “our belief in the sin of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden” and “the light is shown to us through Jesus Christ”.
Some species of this tree have however since then been cultivated for this purpose. However, it takes about 20 years for the plant to start to produce when left to grow without cutting for use.
The fir tree is a symbol of truth, forthrightness, honesty, friendship, hope, promise, renewal, endurance, and determination. In the following paragraphs we will discuss more about these meanings so pay attention to the details.
The fir tree is an evergreen plant which remains green and healthy at all time and period throughout the year. Fir trees can grow and survive under any kind of condition and they will remain true and healthy at all time.
Whenever a change occurs, probably there is a change in the weather condition of the region or area where the tree is grown, the fir tree usually stays true to themselves and this also encourages them to see right through themselves.
Fir trees exhibit their full characteristics whenever they grow and this plant always develops well and fine under every suitable condition where they find themselves.
The spirit and ability of this tree to progress and develop under every circumstances or situation is a sign that you need to stay true to yourself at all time, and it is also a sign that you need to see the truth that exists in your life.
You are someone who is willing and ready to give life everything it takes and even under these circumstances you are still ready to remain yourself and stay strong.
Always believe in yourself and this is going to be a source of inspiration for progress in your life.
Fir trees are marvelous trees that are very suitable to beautify our garden and to make them come to life.
When fir trees grow together in close proximity, this can be seen as a symbol of friendship as they help each other to reproduce and foster the development of new fir trees in that area.
This tree when in a group, however, tells us about the benefit that you stand to gain when you have good friends around you.
Friends are blessings that we can have and if they are good to you, you are going to enjoy the time you have with them, however, if it is the other way round it can make you not want to stay close to anyone anymore because of regret.
However, the fir tree with its vibrant green coloration is a sign of the existing connection which exist between friends and it can as well be seen as the strength of the relationship bond that we share with our friends.
Friendship is an important relationship in the life of men and we need to create a good relationship with those we regard as our friends and we must allow our mind to stay clear and true with one another.
You must allow trust to exist between you and this is the best way to lead a perfect relationship with friends.
Endurance and Determination
Fir trees are usually best grown in mountainous areas but this tree can tolerate areas that have cool, moist, and well-drained soil.
This tree is also best grown in areas where there is full sun but some species can survive in areas with partial shade.
This is a sign that this trees can survive well in environments where the natural conditions required by this tree is not readily provided and once they are able to endure and adapt to the situation, they perform well.
This can also be seen as a sign of the desire of this tree to grow well and germinate in a proficient and wonderful manner with all its strength and potential.
The fir tree can, however, be seen as a symbol of your ability to endure every hardship that you are experiencing and having the determination to make it in life.
This tree can also mean that you are someone who is determined to reach the top at whatever you do and you are ready and willing to endure all the stress and challenges that may be pushed towards you in your way to success.
You must stay determined and must be ready to endure hardship and must be ready to overcome life challenges at all cost.
What is the Meaning of the Fir Tree
Fir trees are recognized by the Celts and people around the world must have at a time talked about the tree. The fir tree holds quite a great amount of meaning in the life of people and they represent a lot in the life of humans.
There are so many characteristics of the fir tree which makes it different and superb and we will be discussing more about their meaning in the subsequent paragraphs.
You should pay attention to every detail to be discussed in this article to learn more about the tree.
Sign of Honesty
The fir tree has been in use as a Christmas tree for centuries and they have served this purpose truly and greatly.
The fir tree is a very good sign of our honest nature and it means that the fir tree can be depended on at any time that it is a good source of inspiration to we humans.
The fir tree whenever needed to serve a particular purpose, either as timber or for decoration, they perform well and that is a great quality.
Sign of Progress
Fir trees grow and develop well in nature and they have the ability to grow and bear cones which can help in reproduction.
The reproduction process through which cones develop to form new fir trees is not so difficult and this is a sign of progress as a new and different plant will be produced. It can also be seen as a sign of our ability to lead a good and productive life.
Sign of Longevity
This is an important characteristic, most fir trees have short lives because they are cut young to make Christmas tree, however, when this plant is left in the wild to grow they can survive for years without getting damaged or destroyed.
They have strong roots and trunk that helps to hold them in place and keep them for a long period of time.
Fir trees are one of the conifers with the highest value attributed to it and they also have different uses.
This coniferous plant can be used for aromatherapy due to the scent of the wood when burnt, for medicinal purposes, and lots more.
On behalf of the author, thank you so much for taking the time to read this article !