I’ve always found trees and flowers fascinating, they don’t just color the environment, providing aesthetic value; they serve a lot of other important functions fundamental to human life. A Lilac tree isn’t like most trees; it’s very unique and significant.
Lilacs are very common in North America but what most people don’t know is that they are not native to the continent. Lilacs originated in Europe and Asia, they were brought to America by European colonists in the 1750s.
The origin of the lilac tree
There are different tales regarding the origin of the lilac tree, according to Greek mythology, lilac began with a beautiful nymph named Syringa.
According to Greek myths, Pan, the god of the forests and fields was captivated by Syringa’s beauty, so he chased her through the forest.
The intensity of Pan’s affections scared Syringa so she turned herself into an aromatic flower. The name ‘lilac’ was gotten from the French and Spanish word – ‘lilac’, and it refers to the light purple color of the flowers.
Lilacs are not only very attractive, they are also incredibly fragrant. The most common flower color of lilac is a shade of purple though lilac flowers also have other colors including white, pale yellow, dark burgundy or pink.
Lilacs are aromatic, most lilac species have a very strong fragrance and this plays a major role in its significance.
Lilac Tree – Symbolism & Meaning
Over the course of history, lilac’s meaning and significance have varied with different cultures and eras, though some of its meanings and the events it symbolizes stand the test of time; and one of those includes its association with Easter holidays.
Lilacs have always been associated with Easter celebrations given that Easter comes around during the peak of lilacs bloom.
Going forward, I’ll take you through the meanings of lilac flowers and the different occurrences they symbolize.
Of all the meanings of lilac, this is perhaps the most emotional. Lilac flowers are generally regarded as the 8th wedding anniversary flower. They are the ideal flowers to give your partner during your 8th wedding anniversary celebration.
A reminder of an old love
Another emotional meaning of lilac was attributed to it during the Victorian age. During this time, a lilac flower represents a reminder of an old love.
Back then, lilacs were the absolute reminder of old love, it was so in vogue during this period that most widows had lilacs on them.
Lilacs have a lot of geo-specific meanings, Meanings attributed to them in a particular geographical region of the world. One of the geo-specific meanings of lilac is its meaning in Russia.
It is believed in Russia that when a sprig of lilac is held above a child, it will bestow upon the child wisdom.
This is one of the meanings attributed to lilac that have stood the test of time, a lot of Russians that honor culture and traditions still believe this today.
Another region specific meaning lilac has is its meaning to the Celtics. Lilac’s highly intoxicating fragrance made the Celtics regard it as ‘magical’.
Its sweet smelling fragrance is one of a kind, a scent even a word such as ‘magical’ doesn’t do justice to fully.
I’m sure there is no one from New Hampshire that wouldn’t recognize a lilac flower or know what it means there.
Lilacs are the state flower of New Hampshire and they are an indication of the tough nature of the citizens of the granite state.
The harbinger of spring
Another significant meaning of lilacs is that they are considered to be the harbinger of spring. This meaning is synonymous with lilacs because their time of bloom indicates whether spring will be late or early.
Lilacs symbolize a lot of things based on several factors including their bloom time, color, the culture of the place in question and so on.
The different colors of lilacs
Based on color, the different colors of lilacs have their own specific meanings; a white colored lilac indicates purity and youthful innocence, violet lilacs symbolize spirituality, purple lilacs symbolize the first love, blue lilacs symbolize tranquility and happiness, while magenta lilacs symbolize deep passion and love.
Lilacs of different colors have always had their own specific meanings but no matter the color of a lilac flower or its specific meaning there is always a strong association with love, peace, and romance.
Throughout history and across all cultures, lilac’s association with love and romance remains constant.
Spring and renewal.
Of all flowers known to man, lilacs are known to have one of the earliest bloom times and because of this, they are generally believed to symbolize spring and renewal.
Another very important symbolism of a lilac flower is confidence. Lilacs are generally believed to be an indication of confidence, high self-esteem or self-assurance.
This makes them a common and popular choice of a gift given to fresh graduates, someone low on confidence, a young business owner or an entrepreneur just starting out.
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