Palm trees have been around for a long time and they commonly grow in the coastal regions of the world. When thinking of palms, we think of vacations destinations or beautiful islands.
Some will associate it with the palm oil which is used in beauty products and for culinary activities. There are actually over 2500 species of palm trees and an interesting fact is that not all plants that are called palms are truly palms.
Good examples are the traveler’s palm, Torbay palm, and the Yucca palm which don’t belong in the Arecaceae family like the true palms. The tallest palm grows up to an impressive 197 feet tall!
Palms trees hold powerful symbolism in many cultures around the world and especially for those cultures where this tree grows.
Some great examples of this tree symbolism are as follows:
A Symbol Of Religion
In the Bible, the people of the land of Jerusalem greeted a triumphant Jesus with palm fronds, just a week before his crucifixion and resurrection happened. This tradition is now known and celebrated as Palm Sunday and happens a week before Easter. We also see Palms being mentioned many times in both the Bible and the Quran.
Symbol of Peace and Plenty
According to Jewish culture and especially Judaism Palms represent peace and abundance.
When the palms were harvested dates, betel nuts, and acai fruit were in plenty and this meant a lot of food and business. When food and business are thriving there is bound to be peace.
Symbol of Fertility and unification.
The palm tree is a symbol of fertility and unification in some cultures. The erect and towering trunk represents the male sexual organ rising into action and the fronds and the coconuts produced represent offspring.
Offspring means fertility which is the ability to reproduce and the way the coconuts are so close together means unity. This is why the palm tree is an icon of fertility and unification in many cultures.
Symbol of Longevity
The palm has also been known to be a symbol of longevity due to the fact that it is able to produce coconuts for many years. The tree lives long and can actually outlive many humans.
These trees can live up to 100 years and throughout those years it bears fruits. This is why they are a great symbol of longevity in various cultures. What is longevity if not living for a century?
The Tree Of Life
The palm has also been considered to be the tree of life. According to the Egyptians and Assyrians, the palm is considered a tree of life because it was sacred to Ishtar and Ashtarte and also Nut and Hathor who are deities.
These deities used the palm tree nectars to keep the dead in an undead state as they await their fate in the underworld.
In some instances, the fruit of the palm would maintain these souls in this state forever. Those are not the only deities that use the date palm, the sun god Ra uses it as a resurrection symbol.
With the palms being commonly used by life-giving deities, it, therefore, becomes a perfect symbol of life.
Tarot Symbolic Meaning
Tarot believers view the palm as closely associated with their high priestess. It is viewed as being the representative of the significance of balance, unification and the awakening of true wisdom.
The priestess helps believers understand the seen and the unseen when they become integrated. The priestess mixes both sides into a single vision that is beneficial to humanity and nature.
For those without the gift of discernment, the priestess uses the palm to help them achieve this understanding.
Meaning in Asian Culture
In various Asian cultures, the palms are very important symbols of renewal. They are deemed to be the bearer of the nest of the Phoenix.
This mythical creature is legendary in its messages of metamorphosis, rebirth, and renewal from the ashes of the fire.
Dream Symbols
Palms as dream symbols are common and very significant. When sleeping, palm trees become a significant part of our dreams.
When they appear in dreams, they are usually a symbol of the ability of the dreamer to rise above conflict and become the bigger person and even achieve success, especially during the most difficult times.
It has also been a symbol of attaining a higher vantage point or an indication of the intense need for recognition or achievement.
So if you happen to experience dreams about palms any of these dream symbols could reflect the meaning.
Symbol of good luck
Palms are good luck symbols and have been strewn in the paths of heroes returning from battle or pilgrims who are coming home after their religious journeys. They are good symbols of safe returns, happy reunions with loved ones, safety and assurance.
People have also carried palm fronds or amulets with palm symbols for good luck when going to unknown lands, dangerous missions or even crucial meetings.
Symbol of Luxury
When most people think of Palm trees they think of a picturesque landscape in a certain coastline, white sands, a warm sun, clear blue waters, and a lovely breeze gently blowing.
We see palm trees on those Hawaiian shirts and we imagine sipping margaritas or sex on the beach on a beautiful day. This is why palm trees have become a symbol of luxury, vacation or island life.
Palm trees are amazing trees. Their fruit is like none other because it not only looks different but tastes very different.
It is a special symbol in many religions, cultures and for many individuals around the world. As we have seen above, the symbolism is powerful. Maybe it means something to you too.
If not, simply have a look at your beliefs, could a palm tree feature anywhere near your beliefs. Do these palm trees remind you of anything? Whatever they remind you, that there is your belief.
It could even be your very own personal symbol. The palms continue to majestically grow along the coastal regions and they continue to have important meanings and powerful symbolism for many people.
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